Committed to manufacturing excellence across six decades

— About us

We are Naser Group

Ours is a history steeped in experience and expertise.

Ours is a story of foresight, dedication, and determination.

Ours is a legacy of innovation, customer satisfaction, and unmatched quality.


Since our inception in 1964, we’ve emerged as the leading producer of genuine leather garments and sporting gloves in India. Our team takes pride in developing natural and performing leather qualities for some of the most iconic contemporary designers and brands. With our main tanning facility in Southern India, we focus on producing clean and safe leather at a competitive rate like no other.

From drawing the first sketches to presenting our finished products to customers around the world, we apply the utmost attention to detail and quality in our tanneries and factories.

By increasingly sourcing from farmers and slaughterhouses despite a strong global supply chain for raw material, we ensure proper support for local communities. We also strive to maintain close ties with our roots in Southern India, where our ancestors developed their historic leather-making craftsmanship over centuries.

A look back at how far we’ve come

  1. Indian businessman Abdus Samad Sathgudi set out on a road trip through India with his friends in 1920. While traveling through Warangal in Telangana, he befriended a few locals who helped him recognize an opportunity to sell preserved raw skin to the tanneries in Southern India, thus marking his journey as a tradesman.

  2. Brothers Abdul Rahim and Abdul Gafoor, sons of Abdus Samad Sathgudi, continued their father’s legacy by establishing their own tannery. They catered to the finished leather tanneries in various parts of India with quality vegetable tanned, semi-finished leather.

  3. In 1964, Rahim and Gafoor divided their operations and thus Naser Tanning Company came into existence. Later, Abdul Gafoor A S expanded the company to process chrome tanned, semi-finished leather and manufacture finished leather products.

  4. Naser Ahmed, son of Abdul Gafoor A S, scaled Naser Tanning Company to new heights in the leather industry by venturing into export of finished leather.

  5. These years were pivotal for the company as Naser Ahmed further expanded the business. He set up a leather apparel factory that served high-end leather garment brands originally based in Europe. In technical and marketing collaboration with Bali Leathers USA, he also established a glove factory — Naser Bali (Gloves) Private Limited. It primarily delivered superior quality gloves to the leading American golf brand, Footjoy.

  6. The year saw the opening of a state-of-the-art tannery, fully equipped with the latest technology to meet the evolving requirements of the iconic fashion and sports brands.

  7. Mohammed Arshaan A G, son of Naser Ahmed A G, joined the business and focused on modern and sustainable business practices.

  8. Along with his father, Mohammed Arshaan implemented dry tanning technology (developed by CSIR-CLRI, India), resulting in 40% reduction of water consumption in leather processing. This massively benefited the local community that is often affected by water shortages.

  9. In July 2021, Naser Bali Inc. was incorporated in Johnstown, NY, USA, taking over the existing business of Bali Leathers Inc., thereby establishing Sales, R&D offices, and a distribution center in Johnstown, NY.

— Vision and Mission

Our vision is to enhance the lives of our stakeholders by adopting environmentally sustainable and socially responsible practices, while delivering high-quality products and services.

We ensure that our employees have the right skills, tools, and code of practice to achieve quality, consistency, and reliable delivery of products and services at competitive costs. To accomplish our vision, we have set out on a mission to:

  • Treat each customer, supplier, and employee with integrity and respect
  • Communicate openly and fairly
  • Build customer loyalty by exceeding expectations
  • Invest in innovation, technology, and personnel

— Vision and Mission

Our core values

Our seals of approval

We at Naser Group conform to all legal obligations of the country we operate in. Our commitment to product quality is certified by certification audit agencies of international repute.

  • Manufacturing facilities certified by Intertek for complying with ISO 9001 (quality management system), ISO 14001 (environment management system) and ISO 45001 (safety management system)
  • Tannery accredited by LWG Silver
  • Tannery accredited by SATRA
  • Product manufacturing facilities accredited by Intertek for SA 8000 (Social Accountability Audit)

Making a mark with top-notch clientele

Meet our pioneers, innovators, game-changers

Our global family of 850 employees is the driving force behind our products, design, development, production, and distribution.

Because we care

Art, craft, science, and sustainability come together to take forward our community-embedded history. We support local education, maintain continuous personal development programmes for our staff, and provide both a creche and nursery for those with young children who wish to remain working.


We constantly strive to positively affect the community while working tirelessly to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment. Our production network is characterized by the best environmental, social, and employee welfare practices to fulfill our growing customer needs and continue to stand by what is right.